Elevate your Mac experience

Requires macOS 15.2 or later
Improve your Mac experience with a bunch of useful functionality:
- Clear notifications with a keyboard shortcut or from the menu
- Close & minimize windows and hide & quit apps directly from Mission Control
- Clicking an active app’s Dock icon hides the app or minimizes its windows
- Unminimizes an app’s windows when activated (e.g., via Command+Tab)
- Hide all windows (aka. boss mode)
- Capture and translate text from anywhere on screen
- Prevent accidental app quits1 by instead using ⇧⌘Q, double tap Q while holding ⌘, or press and hold ⌘Q
- Launch any app with a customizable global keyboard shortcut
- Clicking green traffic light button fills window instead of entering fullscreen
- Clicking yellow traffic light button hides app instead of minimizing window
- Scan QR codes and barcodes from anywhere on screen
- Quit apps when closing their last window (clicking the red traffic light button or Command+W) (similar to Swift Quit and RedQuits apps)
- Finder: Move files by cutting2 (Command+X) and pasting (Command+V)
- Finder: Open files with Return (you can then rename with Shift+Return or F2)
- Finder: Create new text file with Option+N (video) or from the context menu
- Finder: Move files to the trash with ⌫ (Delete) instead of ⌘⌫
- Finder: Go back to the previous folder with ⌫ (Delete)
- Finder: Adds many useful actions to the context menu: copy path, move to, open folder with, AirDrop, etc.
- Finder: Auto-adjust column widths to filenames in column view, or do it once with a keyboard shortcut
- Finder: Invert selection (deselects what’s currently selected and selects everything that wasn’t selected)
- Exclude AirDrop, Mail, and Messages from the system Share menu These are usually forced to be shown by macOS.
- Mail: Copy message link
- Notes: Copy note link
- Toggle Finder with a keyboard shortcut (aka. visor mode)
- Show the menu bar window for the Passwords app with a keyboard shortcut
- Show the menu bar window for the Weather app with a keyboard shortcut
- Show the window for the “Now Playing” menu bar item with a keyboard shortcut.
- Change default browser (without a prompt)
- Also available as an independent app.
- Export/import (backup) settings for any apps (video)
- Toggle Terminal with a keyboard shortcut
- Offers to install apps from mounted DMG files
- Show desktop (menu action)
- Quit all apps (menu action and keyboard shortcut)
- Eject all disks (menu action and keyboard shortcut)
- Dim icons of hidden apps in the Dock
- Pick color on screen and copy as Hex color (menu action and keyboard shortcut)
- Toggle mute sound
- Toggle dark mode
- Toggle low power mode
- Toggle grayscale mode3
- Toggle desktop widgets visibility
- Toggle function keys (switch between using F1, F2, etc., as standard function keys or media keys)
- Only supported for the built-in MacBook keyboard and Magic Keyboard.
- Clear clipboard
- Empty trash keyboard shortcut
- Clicking a Dock folder reveals it in Finder instead of showing its contents
- Open system settings directly (usually requires a lot of clicks):
- Hide My Email
- Private Relay
- Show seconds hand in the Clock app’s Dock icon
- Only show system sound menu bar icon when muted
- Add Dock spacers
- Reset privacy permissions for any apps
- Shortcuts actions
- More planned…
This is my playground for supercharging macOS. It’s just the start. Come along for the ride.
Features explained
Dock icon click behavior
By default, clicking an app’s Dock icon when the app is active does nothing. With Supercharge, you can make it either hide the app or minimize all its windows. This can be particularly useful for quickly clearing your workspace.
You can also choose to unminimize all windows instead of just one when clicking a Dock icon of an app with minimized windows.
Clicking green traffic light button fills window instead of entering fullscreen
Makes clicking the green traffic light button fill the window to fit the screen instead of entering fullscreen mode. Hold Option while clicking for the default fullscreen behavior. Click again to restore the previous window size.
Clicking yellow traffic light button hides app instead of minimizing window
Makes clicking the yellow traffic light button hide the app instead of minimizing the window. Hold Option while clicking for the default minimize behavior.
Finder context menu additions
Adds the following actions (can be customized) directly in the right-click menu in Finder:
- New Text File Shown only when right-clicking an empty area in Finder.
- Image/Video Dimensions
- Copy Path
- Copy Filename
- Copy File URL Useful for deep links. Clicking such link reveals it in Finder.
- Copy Markdown Link
- Copy Contents Copies the contents of text files to the clipboard.
- Open Folder With
- Make Symlink
- Move To
- Copy To
- Share Shows the old-style Share item that is a submenu instead of a separate popover, which is faster to access. You can exclude AirDrop, Messages, and Mail from the menu, which are normally forced to be shown. However, there is no way to hide the existing Share item.
- Open in Terminal Shown only when right-clicking a folder or an empty area in Finder. Supports Terminal, iTerm, Ghostty, kitty, WezTerm, Alacritty, and Warp.
- AirDrop
- Run Shortcut
- Update Modified Date
- Make Executable
Makes files executable, similar to
chmod +x
in the terminal. Useful for shell scripts. - Invert Selection Selects the files/folders in Finder that are not selected.
- Delete Immediately Permanently deletes files/folders without sending them to the Trash.
- Copy Checksum SHA-1, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512, MD5, CRC32
- Unquarantine Removes the quarantine flag that macOS adds to downloaded files and apps. This removes security prompts and restrictions for trusted items.
They appear at the bottom of the context menu. There is no way to change that. They also won’t appear in iCloud, Dropbox, or any other sync folder.
Capture and translate text from anywhere on screen
Select any region of your screen to instantly translate text, even from images or unselectable text.
- Screenshot
- Supported languages (except Hindi)
Scan QR codes and barcodes
Select any region of your screen to instantly scan QR codes and barcodes and copy their content to the clipboard. Supports scanning multiple codes at once.
Copy message link in Mail
When you are in the Mail app, you can open the Supercharge menu to copy a direct link to one or more selected messages. You can also set up a keyboard shortcut for this. Copying a message link can be useful if you want to refer to specific emails in other contexts. The link will look like this: message://%[email protected]%3e
Copy note link in Notes
When you are in the Notes app, you can open the Supercharge menu to copy a direct link to one or more selected notes. You can also set up a keyboard shortcut for this. Copying a note link can be useful if you want to refer to specific notes in other contexts, like in a task manager or calendar event. The link will look like this: applenotes:note/933C49CC-04F4-5F21-A3EE-2CA93AFC88DD
. When clicked, it opens directly in the Notes app.
Close and minimize windows and hide and quit apps directly from Mission Control
Enhances Mission Control by letting you close windows or quit apps by right-clicking the hovered window and use keyboard shortcuts (⌘W, ⌘Q, ⌘H, ⌘M) on the window you are hovering over. This makes window management more efficient as you don’t have to exit Mission Control to perform these actions. Example
Dock folder click behavior
By default, clicking a folder in the Dock shows its contents in a popover. With Supercharge, you can make it directly reveal the folder in Finder instead.
You may also like my Shareful, Menu Bar Spacing, and Pure Paste apps.
Try the fully functional trial here. The only limitation is a reminder to buy the app every 12 hours, and no automatic updates. All data and settings carry over if you buy it.
You can also try it on Setapp for 7 days for free.
Requires macOS 15.2
- Ensure you are on the latest version (click the “Check for Updates” button).
- Restart your computer.
- Try closing any anti-virus app you have running as it may interfere with the app (or at least disable any Secure Keyboard Entry type setting it may have). And if you don’t have any anti-virus app, try closing down all apps and menu bar items, just to rule out some other app interfering. If it’s a work computer, your company may have something installed that prevents the app from working.
- Try clicking “Reset Permissions” in the Supercharge menu.
Cut and paste files troubleshooting
Ensure you pressed Command+X and not Command+C.
To make sure you used the feature correctly, try this: Select a file in Finder, press Command+X, change to a different folder, press Command+V. The file should have been moved to this new folder.
Note: You cannot cut, highlight a folder, and then paste. You have to actually go into the folder to paste to it. That’s just how Finder works. Same with copy-pasting.
If it’s still not working, try this: Select a file in Finder, press Command+C, change to a different folder, press Option+Command+V. The file should have been moved to this new folder. If this did not work, the problem is not this app, as those are the keyboard shortcuts it simulates.
As a last resort, try resetting permissions and restarting your computer.
Also try closing any anti-virus app you have running as it may interfere with the app (or at least disable any Secure Keyboard Entry type setting it may have). And if you don’t have any anti-virus app, try closing down all apps and menu bar items, just to rule out some other app interfering. If it’s a work computer, your company may have something installed that prevents the app from working.
Launch browser
If you have enabled showing browsers in the menu, you can hold the Option key and click a browser in the menu to open it, rather than setting it as the default.
Some things you can already do that you may not know about:
- Hide an app by Option-clicking on the app’s Dock icon.
- Show Control Center by pressing Fn+C.
- Toggle a specific VPN using a keyboard shortcut with Shortcuts. Add this shortcut and set the VPN parameter and a keyboard shortcut.
- Make Finder remember its size and position.
- Prevent opening apps when clicking links that are Universal Links.
- Change the keyboard shortcut for menu item actions a specific app.
- Change the keyboard shortcut for menu item actions in all apps.
- Set Finder’s default view options: Open a folder, press Command+J, adjust settings, and click “Use as Defaults”. To reset a folder’s custom settings, press Command+J, hold Option, and click “Restore to Defaults”.
- Show “Dimensions” column in Finder.
Frequently Asked Questions
I have a feature request, bug report, or some feedback
Click the feedback button in the app or send it here.
Some things are not possible though:
- Removing the Trash icon in the Dock.
- Removing the Finder icon in the Dock.
- Disabling Stage Manager animations.
- Fill the entire row with the file’s tag color in Finder.
- Naming spaces. Check out this app for showing space names in the menu bar.
- Removing or changing Finder context menu items. It can only add items.
Some things are not planned:
- Keep awake
- Check out Lungo.
- Memory cleaner
- Apps like these are a scam. macOS handles memory efficiently. There is no need for an app like this.
The app does not show up in the menu bar
macOS hides menu bar apps when there is no space left in the menu bar. This is a common problem on MacBooks with a notch. Try quitting some other menu bar apps to free up space. If this does not solve the issue, try quitting Bartender/Ice if you have it installed.
You may also have disabled the “Show menu bar icon” setting, which hides the menu bar icon. Launch the app again to show the main window.
The tweaks like Finder cut & paste no longer works
This usually happens when an app blocks keyboard input reading.
The tweaks like Finder cut & paste no longer works
This is usually caused by an app using Secure Input - a security feature that blocks other apps from reading keystrokes. Common culprits are password managers like Bitwarden and 1Password, even when they’re not in focus. Try quitting these apps. And if it doesn’t help, try quitting all apps and menu bar apps. Learn more >
I can already do this with the command-line, BetterTouchTool, Keyboard Maestro, etc.
Supercharge offers a simpler, more user-friendly approach. It’s designed for users who want quick access to useful features without the complexity of scripting or configuring advanced tools. Supercharge provides a curated set of enhancements that work right out of the box, saving you time and effort in setup and maintenance. If you prefer more granular control and don’t mind the setup process, those other tools might be a better fit for you.
Why Command+X? I can already move files with Command+C and Option+Command+V
- It’s more logical to cut & paste than copy & move.
- Consistency and muscle memory benefits if you also use Linux or Window.
What are Dock spacers?
Dock spacers are invisible gaps you can add to your Mac’s Dock. They help organize your apps into groups, improving visual clarity. Supercharge lets you easily add these spacers, giving you better control over your Dock’s layout.
Can I add custom actions to the app?
As of now, the app focuses on providing a curated set of built-in features for enhancing your Mac experience. I’m happy to consider requests.
Can you add a certain toggle?
I’m happy to consider requests, but I don’t intend for this app to turn into a “toggler” app. I have just provided some commonly needed toggles.
Some toggles I don’t plan to add:
- AirPods
- Keep awake (check out Lungo)
Does the app consume a lot of system resources?
No, the app is optimized to run efficiently in the background with minimal CPU, memory, and battery usage. Most features are event-driven and only activate when needed.
I cannot use Control+Space or Control+Shift+Space as a keyboard shortcut
Go to “System Settings › Keyboard › Keyboard Shortcuts › Input Sources” and disable them all.
Why would I want to clear my clipboard?
Clearing the clipboard helps protect privacy by removing potentially sensitive information (like passwords or personal data) that might otherwise remain available for pasting. Any app can silently read the clipboard. And you could also accidentally paste it somewhere you didn’t intend to.
Why don’t the Finder context menu items show up in iCloud and Dropbox folders?
Finder Sync extensions, which power these context menu items, are intended to add sync functionality for third-party services in Finder. Since iCloud and Dropbox folders have their own built-in sync, macOS doesn’t allow the Supercharge extension in these locations to prevent conflicts.
I am seeing incorrect icons for external drives in the Finder sidebar when enabling context menu items
This is a macOS bug and out of my control. When context menu items are enabled for external volumes, macOS shows document icons instead of drive icons in the Finder sidebar.
How can I add my preferred apps to the “Open Folder With” Finder context menu?
The menu shows apps that declare support for opening folders. This is controlled by app developers, not by Supercharge. To get your preferred apps to appear in this menu, contact the developers of those apps and request them to add folder opening support.
The developer will need to add public.folder
to LSItemContentTypes
in their app’s Info.plist:
Can you add support keyboard shortcuts to change default browser?
Maybe. For now, you can make a shortcut in the Shortcuts app, give it a keyboard shortcut, and use the “Set Default Browser” Shortcuts action that comes with Supercharge.
Can you add more features to changing the default browser, like rules?
Features like rules require the app to intercept and forward URLs by acting as the default browser. This is out of scope for this app. Check out my Velja app for that.
Can the app support clearing clipboard formatting?
Check out my Pure Paste app for this. I think it makes more sense as a separate app.
Can the app support hiding menu bar items?
No, that’s out of scope for this app. I recommend Ice.
Can you add Alt-Tab functionality like Windows?
No, this would be very complex to implement well and there is already an excellent free app called AltTab that does exactly this.
Why is this not in the App Store?
Much of the functionality would not be possible in the App Store because of sandboxing.
More FAQs…
The Q key is next to W, making it easy to accidentally hit Command+Q (quit) when reaching for Command+W (close window). ↩
Without this feature, you have to first copy (Command+C) and then remember to move (Option+Command+V). The feature works by overriding the normal cut ⌘X keyboard shortcut when Finder is active and executes a copy ⌘C instead. When you then paste ⌘V, it executes the native move ⌥⌘V keyboard shortcut. So really, it’s Finder moving the files. This app just makes the keyboard shortcuts more intuitive. If you don’t paste, the files just stay in place. This feature also works with the Forklift app. ↩
Grayscale mode on macOS can be a useful tool for various purposes. It can help reduce eye strain during long work sessions, especially in low-light environments. For designers and developers, it’s valuable for checking contrast and readability of user interfaces without the influence of color. Content creators may use it to evaluate the tonal balance of images or videos. Additionally, some users find that grayscale helps minimize distractions and improve focus by reducing the visual appeal of non-work-related apps and websites. While initially an adjustment, many users report increased productivity and a more mindful approach to computer usage when employing grayscale mode periodically. ↩