
Elevate your Mac experience

App screenshot

Requires macOS 15+

Improve your Mac experience with a bunch of useful functionality:

  • Hide all windows (aka. boss mode)
  • Show the menu bar window for the Passwords app with a keyboard shortcut
  • Toggle Finder with a keyboard shortcut (aka. visor mode)
  • Toggle dark mode
  • Toggle low power mode
  • Clear clipboard
  • Add Dock spacers
  • More planned…

This is my playground for supercharging macOS. It’s just the start. Come along for the ride.

You may also like my Shareful, Menu Bar Spacing. and Command X apps.


Try the fully functional trial here. The only limitation is a reminder to buy the app every 12 hours, and no automatic updates. All data and settings carry over if you buy it.

Frequently Asked Questions

I have a feature request, bug report, or some feedback

Click the feedback button in the app or send it here.

Some things are not possible though:

Some things you may not know:

  • Hide app windows by Option+clicking on the app’s Dock icon.

The app does not show up in the menu bar

macOS hides menu bar apps when there is no space left in the menu bar. This is a common problem on MacBooks with a notch. Try quitting some other menu bar apps to free up space. If this does not solve it, try quitting Bartender/Ice if you have it installed.

You may also have disabled the “Show menu bar icon” setting, which hides the menu bar icon. Launch the app again to show the main window.

I can already do this with the command-line, BetterTouchTool, Keyboard Maestro, etc.

Supercharge offers a simpler, more user-friendly approach. It’s designed for users who want quick access to useful features without the complexity of scripting or configuring advanced tools. Supercharge provides a curated set of enhancements that work right out of the box, saving you time and effort in setup and maintenance. If you prefer more granular control and don’t mind the setup process, those other tools might be a better fit for you.

What are Dock spacers?

Dock spacers are invisible gaps you can add to your Mac’s Dock. They help organize your apps into groups, improving visual clarity. Supercharge lets you easily add these spacers, giving you better control over your Dock’s layout.

Can I add custom actions to the app?

As of now, the app focuses on providing a curated set of built-in features for enhancing your Mac experience. I’m happy to consider requests.

Can you add a certain toggle?

I’m happy to consider requests, but I don’t intend for this app to turn into a “toggler” app. I have just provided some commonly needed toggles.

Some toggles I don’t plan to add:

  • AirPods
  • Keep awake (check out Lungo)

Why is this not in the App Store?

Much of the functionality would not be possible in the App Store because of sandboxing.

Can you make Command+X cut files in Finder?

See my Command X app.

More FAQs…