
Discover & share the best GIFs

Jiffy lets you quickly search and discover GIFs from GIPHY. When you have found an awesome GIF, just drag and drop it into an app.


  • Trending GIFs.
  • Search GIFs.
  • Use it as a menu bar app or a normal app in the Dock.
  • Favorite GIFs and browse/search favorites.
  • Global keyboard shortcut to toggle the app.
  • Drag and drop a GIF into any app.
  • Copy a GIF to the clipboard.
  • Launch the app at login.


Click a GIF for a larger preview. Click the preview or press esc to close it.
Right-click a GIF to save it or share it to a system share service.

Keyboard Shortcuts

command f Focus the search field
shift command f Toggle the favorites view
Previous/next page of GIFs
esc Close the popover

Frequently Asked Questions

I have a feature request, bug report, or some feedback

Send it here.

The app does not show up in the menu bar

macOS hides menu bar apps when there is no space left in the menu bar. This is a common problem on MacBooks with a notch. Try quitting some other menu bar apps to free up space. If this does not solve it, try quitting Bartender if you have it installed.

Can you localize the app into my language?

I don’t plan to localize the app.

Where can I find the changelog?

Go here and click “Version History”.

Why the name “Jiffy”?

Some people incorrectly pronounce GIF as “Jif”. The name is a pun on that. Also, “Jiffy” means to do something fast, which is what the app is all about.

Why is this free without ads?

I just enjoy making apps. Consider leaving a nice review on the App Store.

More FAQs…

Older Versions

Non-App Store Version

A special version for users that cannot access the App Store. It won’t receive automatic updates. I will update it here once a year.

Download (2.6.0)

Requires macOS 14 or later