Class ObjectPredicate<T>

Type Parameters

  • T extends object = object


  • Predicate<T>
    • ObjectPredicate



  • Register a new validator.


    • validator: Validator<T>

      Validator to register.

    Returns this

  • Test an object to be deeply equal to the provided object.


    • expected: object

      Expected object to match.

    Returns this

  • Test all the values in the object deeply to match the provided predicate.

    Type Parameters

    • T


    • predicate: Predicate<T>

      The predicate that should be applied against every value in the object.

    Returns this

  • Test an object to match the shape exactly. This means that will fail if it comes across unexpected properties. The shape comparison is deep.

    The shape is an object which describes how the tested object should look like. The keys are the same as the source object and the values are predicates.

    Type Parameters


    • shape: S

      Shape to test the object against.

    Returns ObjectPredicate<TypeOfShape<S>>


    import ow from 'ow';

    ow({unicorn: '🦄'}, ow.object.exactShape({
    unicorn: ow.string
  • Test an object to include any of the provided keys. You can use dot-notation in a key to access nested properties.


    • Rest ...keys: readonly string[]

      The keys that could be a key in the object.

    Returns this

  • Test an object to include all the provided keys. You can use dot-notation in a key to access nested properties.


    • Rest ...keys: readonly string[]

      The keys that should be present in the object.

    Returns this

  • Test an object to be of a specific instance type.


    • instance: Function

      The expected instance type of the object.

    Returns this

  • Test if the value matches a custom validation function. The validation function should return true if the value passes the function. If the function either returns false or a string, the function fails and the string will be used as error message.


    • validator: ((value) => string | boolean)

      Validation function.

        • (value): string | boolean
        • Parameters

          • value: T

          Returns string | boolean

    Returns this

  • Provide a new error message to be thrown when the validation fails.


    • newMessage: string | ValidatorMessageBuilder<T>

      Either a string containing the new message or a function returning the new message.

    Returns this


    ow('🌈', 'unicorn', ow.string.equals('🦄').message('Expected unicorn, got rainbow'));
    //=> ArgumentError: Expected unicorn, got rainbow


    ow('🌈', ow.string.minLength(5).message((value, label) => `Expected ${label}, to have a minimum length of 5, got \`${value}\``));
    //=> ArgumentError: Expected string, to be have a minimum length of 5, got `🌈`
  • Test an object to match the shape partially. This means that it ignores unexpected properties. The shape comparison is deep.

    The shape is an object which describes how the tested object should look like. The keys are the same as the source object and the values are predicates.

    Type Parameters


    • shape: S

      Shape to test the object against.

    Returns ObjectPredicate<TypeOfShape<S>>


    import ow from 'ow';

    const object = {
    unicorn: '🦄',
    rainbow: '🌈'

    ow(object, ow.object.partialShape({
    unicorn: ow.string
  • Test if the value matches a custom validation function. The validation function should return an object containing a validator and message. If the validator is false, the validation fails and the message will be used as error message. If the message is a function, the function is invoked with the label as argument to let you further customize the error message.


    • customValidator: CustomValidator<T>

      Custom validation function.

    Returns this

  • Test all the values in the object to match the provided predicate.

    Type Parameters

    • T


    • predicate: BasePredicate<T>

      The predicate that should be applied against every value in the object.

    Returns this